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“A Reasonable Jurist…” needed. Apply here

Last updated on October 15, 2017

This is a quote from the Scott Davis appeal ruling…

“While each of the state’s actions and/or omissions, including non-
compliance with SOPs and preservation statutes, do not independently constitute
evidence of bad faith, 

a reasonable jurist might conclude that the cumulative
pattern presented here indicates that Petitioner was denied a fair trial.

United States v. Lopez, 590 F.3d 1238, 1258 (11th Cir. 2009).

I respect Judge Amy Totenberg for saying these words. What I hope is that some judge will also GRANT his appeal and change the so called Youngblood standard of bad faith to allow a cumulative analysis of bad faith and misconduct.

This case is really simply outrageous. How can you let this kind of misconduct, perjury, destruction of evidence, and general due process destruction in a case that gave Scott Davis a life sentence?

Look at this case. Read the rulings and the documents. Look at the videos.

We need your help and I need your help. This case needs to be a new precedent that will finally stop the abuse of police and prosecutors with destruction of evidence that the Youngblood case has allowed for years if not decades.



Published inInvestigationsNews

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