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Category: Investigations

New Evidence in Scott Davis case Admitted to by Police Detective

This post from the Davis website shows that this case is again a travesty of Injustice. I believe Scott Davis is actually innocent but this further evidence shows for sure he deserves a new trial, that police have withheld crucial evidence and lied about it and that the Fulton County DA Paul Howard is a liar and a hypocrite it seems.

The new evidence, a signed affidavit by former Atlanta Police Homicide detective and former co- lead in the David Coffin murder case, states unequivocally that two UNIQUE tapes of Scott’s police interview were recorded, transcribed and given to prosecutors. This the State and prosecutor had denied for 21 years despite Scott’s claims of threats and alterations of the ONE tape provided and used at trial. They still deny despite expert testimony there were two tapes ( you can hear a tape recorder being operated on the one existing tape) as well as alterations.

Now, Detective Marchel Walker, had admitted the truth finally outside of recordings filed earlier with the affidavit. Yet these sorry liars continue the charade. It’s really pathetic.

Walker Affidavit and Paul Howard Laughing Video by Erekose

Check out the evidence and support Scott and spread the word!

Is There Any Justice in Georgia?

Atlanta Homicide Detective Signs Affidavit Confirming Brady Evidence Fulton County Prosecutors Have Withheld and Lied About for 21 Years

Homicide Detective Signs Affidavit Admitting to Withheld Brady Evidence

What is wrong with #Georgia and so called “Southern Justice”? Does real Justice exist in that state?

It’s not looking good from here. These guys lie and withhold and destroy and hide evidence over and over and over, and then get caught repeatedly but yet the court system keeps allowing it to happen! How is this still happening in the twenty first century?

Atlanta police and Fulton County Prosecutors are apparently the most corrupt and incompetent bunch of so-called professionals that it makes me sick 2400 miles away. Where is the @GaInnocence Project ? Do they do anything? WTF?

Where is the media outrage? Here in California this would be front page news.

Help Scott and punish these prosecutors and Atlanta Police. Georgia courts have some integrity for God’s sake!

2017 Update of 48 Hours Mystery show on David Coffin Murder

Here is an updated show on the case that finally showed the new evidence and how Megan Lee Bruton should be a suspect. 48 Hours really didn’t do this case justice. It allowed the fox in the hen house just as Atlanta Police detective Rick Chambers did. It is disgusting how they allowed Megan to lie gave her a platform to spread her perjury.

Why has Megan Bruton been let off the hook?

Megan Bruton is the whole case against Scott Davis and she looks guilty to me?

Megan, how did you know David Coffin was shot in the head TEN minutes before talking to Scott that first night?

How much of the $300, 000 reward did you get?


Ricky Chambers blows Davis case in First Two Hours video

This video is right on point when it says “Detective Chambers, you did nothing right!”

Chambers blew this case on so many levels it will take many videos by Erekose to expose it. Really, Chambers should be prosecuted. It is just so unlikely a DA would do it no matter how much misconduct is exposed. Why? Because there prosecutors were in on the Injustice!

“A Reasonable Jurist…” needed. Apply here

This is a quote from the Scott Davis appeal ruling…

“While each of the state’s actions and/or omissions, including non-
compliance with SOPs and preservation statutes, do not independently constitute
evidence of bad faith, 

a reasonable jurist might conclude that the cumulative
pattern presented here indicates that Petitioner was denied a fair trial.

United States v. Lopez, 590 F.3d 1238, 1258 (11th Cir. 2009).

I respect Judge Amy Totenberg for saying these words. What I hope is that some judge will also GRANT his appeal and change the so called Youngblood standard of bad faith to allow a cumulative analysis of bad faith and misconduct.

This case is really simply outrageous. How can you let this kind of misconduct, perjury, destruction of evidence, and general due process destruction in a case that gave Scott Davis a life sentence?

Look at this case. Read the rulings and the documents. Look at the videos.

We need your help and I need your help. This case needs to be a new precedent that will finally stop the abuse of police and prosecutors with destruction of evidence that the Youngblood case has allowed for years if not decades.



Mixed Ruling in Scott Davis case

I am posting a disappointing ruling in the Scott Davis appeal from the federal district Court in Georgia, but I am hopeful that the court will rectify the Injustice on the really granted soak to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The court was clearly troubled by all the police misconduct and lost evidence in the case. I believe she wanted to grant the appeal but couldn’t fit certain legal reasons which might get rectified. New evidence of misconduct during this appeal was not properly confused on my humble opinion either.

Regardless, we will continue the fight for Justice.

We believe that the will be strong issues on appeal that are of national legal significance. We got that national advocacy organizations will join on Amicus curiae briefs in the case so please contact us if interested.

Here is the ruling:



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